Learn Basic Blackjack Strategy with These Charts and Tips

Learning basic blackjack strategy is key to reducing the house edge and finding opportunities at winning sessions. Those who know the basic concepts of when it’s best to stand, hit, double down, and split will find more success in the quest to take home some winnings.
The article offers plenty of blackjack tips to help, whether playing in a live casino or online at a crypto casino. Keep reading for more blackjack pro tips.
Before You Read About Blackjack Charts or Strategies

Blackjack basic strategy is a mathematically proven set of actions that can help a player make the best move and possibly maximize winnings in the long run. While luck is still involved and there is a house edge, this game has a small house advantage that at least gives players a chance to find some profits if the cards work out their way. When players use basic strategy, that gives them a better chance to accomplish this.
The best strategy is to use a blackjack strategy chart, which can help players learn the best plays until they can commit this to memory. Practice can be key and it may be worth playing some hands online at lower stakes to get the hang of this process. This allows you to become a better player in the process.
Players using a perfect blackjack strategy can lower the house edge to a point where blackjack can become one of the games with the lowest casino advantage.
Blackjack Basic Strategy Chart
Learning how to use basic strategy and a blackjack chart can help players make the correct play when battling the casino. These tools are fairly straightforward and show the action to make when the player has a certain hand versus a range of dealer hands.
Notice the charts below. They include actions to make for “hard” and “soft” hands. Hand hands are those that don’t include an ace, which counts as 1 or 11. A soft hand includes an ace and the count can vary depending on whether using for 1 or 11.
There is also a blackjack basic strategy chart below for knowing when to split hands. When you don’t split a hand, then play your cards as if they were a hard blackjack hand. It’s easy to print and cut out these charts to use when playing online or to practice for a trip to the casino.
Blackjack Basic Strategy Chart – Hard Hands
Player Hand | Dealer: 2 to 6 | Dealer: 7 to Ace |
4 to 8 | HIT | HIT |
9 | DOUBLE | HIT |
10 or 11 | DOUBLE | DOUBLE if your hand is more than the dealer |
12 to 16 | STAND | HIT |
17 to 21 | STAND | STAND |
Blackjack Basic Strategy Chart – Soft Hands
Player hand | Dealer: 2 to 6 | Dealer: 7 to Ace |
Soft 13 to 15 | HIT | HIT |
Soft 16 to 18 | DOUBLE | HIT |
Soft 19 to 21 | STAND | STAND |
Blackjack Basic Strategy Chart – Splits
SPLITS (Yes or No)* | Dealer: 2 to 6 | Dealer: 7 to Ace |
2/2, 3/3, 6/6, 7/7, 9/9 | YES | NO |
8/8, A/A | YES | YES |
4/4, 5/5, 10/10 | NO | NO |
How to Read a Blackjack Chart
The blackjack basic strategy charts have three columns. The first column shows a range of possible hand totals you might be dealt, whether on the first two cards or an accumulation of more than the initial two.
The next two columns have a range of possible upcards that the dealer might have – one column with 2 to 6 and another column from 7 to Ace. Underneath the dealer columns, you will the action you need to take – hit, stand, or couple down.
For example, imagine you are dealt 5-4 to the dealer’s 3 upcard. This means you should double down based on the hard hands chart above. However, if that 9 was against a 7 upcard, the correct move is to take a hit.
The “splits chart” also advises players on when it’s the correct play to split a hand containing the same cards. Some players believe it’s always good to split and play two hands, but this isn’t the case.
For example, a player dealt 9-9 against the dealer’s 3 upcard should split those into two hands according to the first row of the chart. But if that same player sees the dealer with an upcard of 7, 8, 9, 10, or ace, the hand shouldn’t be split.
A blackjack strategy chart may look a bit intimidating at first, but is pretty simple to use after reviewing it a few times. Practicing at home or online can be a great way to learn how it works.
How to Learn the Blackjack Strategy Chart

So now that you know how a blackjack basic strategy chart works, perfecting your skills might be the next step. Mastering basic strategy may not be easy for every player, but it’s certainly worth the effort.
One way is to practice for free. That’s as simple as getting out a deck of cards and dealing a hand for the dealer and yourself. Remember to deal one of the dealer’s cards face down and then consult the charts to determine what to do on each hand. You’ll soon have a grasp of how to play each hand.
Another good idea is to print out each blackjack strategy chart and glance at them before going to play or even keeping them with you. You should bookmark this page as well for future reference.
Using flashcards or Anki decks to practice can add even more to your memory of basic strategy. Each card can feature a certain situation and you can then decide whether to hit, stand, double down, or split based on your memory of blackjack perfect strategy.
Creating some drills or blackjack rules cards may also be a good idea and will help you nail down basic strategy even more. But it’s imperative to make sure you aren’t deviating from basic strategy. The chart’s strategy offers players the best chance to win.
Basic Blackjack Strategy at a Glance
A few situations may not seem as obvious for players when reviewing the blackjack basic strategy chart. Here’s a look at a few situations and the reasoning behind them, based on the math behind the game.
- Stand on 17+ – The odds of hitting just the right cards are very small without busting.
- Double down on 11 – Almost 31% of the deck are 10-value cards (K, Q, J, 10), making it a good possibility of hitting blackjack. Throw in nines and that percentage goes up to 38.5%, making your chance of hitting 20 or 21 even higher.
- Split 8s and Aces – A 16 is a tough hand, so splitting those eights makes hitting 18 with a 10-value card or 19 with an ace a better proposition. Splitting aces gives players the potential for two blackjacks when hitting a 10-value card.
- Do not split 10s – Why break up a hand that is usually going to be a winner into two hands that have a decent chance at losing? This is a bad play – don’t do it.
- Hit on A-7 when dealer has 9, 10 or ace – It is likely the dealer may already have a solid hand with those kinds of cards. It’s not worth doubling on a hand that could be a potential loser.
- Only stand with 12 when dealer has 4, 5, or 6 – The dealer has a good chance of landing a 10-value card and busting. The mathematical play is to stay.
- Stand with 13, 14, 15, or 16 on dealer’s 2 through 6 – The mathematical play is to let the dealer draw and hopefully bust, handing you a winner.
- Doubling on soft 16 to 18 – There is no harm when doing this against the dealer 2 through 6. The dealer may bust and you have a chance at even improving your hand. Doubling down the appropriate play according to blackjack basic strategy.
- Doubling on 9 against the dealer’s 2 to 6 – The dealer already has a chance to bust here and you have a nice chance at picking up a face card or other high-value card as well. If the dealer busts, even a small card hands you a nice double-down winner.
4-Deck to 8-Deck Blackjack Strategy
The more decks the casino uses, the more the edge is in the house’s favor. In a classic single-deck game of blackjack, the house usually has an edge of at least 0.13% when utilizing perfect strategy and with the more favorable player rules. More decks, however, raise this percentage up. The percentage chance to hit a blackjack is the highest when playing single-deck blackjack.
An eight-deck game moves the house edge of about 0.61% and a four-deck game lies somewhere in between. These are still small edges and many players like blackjack because it gives players a better chance to win. By contrast, slot machine house edges can get as high as 15% or more, giving players a tough time at finding some winnings.
The blackjack charts still work on these games with higher numbers of decks and making use of basic strategy is the best approach to these games as well. However, someone looking for the best chance to win should seek out single or double-deck games with the most favorable player rules.
Card Counting as a Blackjack Strategy
Blackjack is one of the few casino games where players can theoretically tip the odds in their favor. In 1957, four players released a book called “Playing Blackjack to Win” that introduced the world to card counting The book didn’t attract much attention and card counting didn’t gain a following of players until 1962, when an American mathematics professor Ed Thorp published the revolutionary book “Beat the Dealer”, which changed the blackjack history.
When card counting, players usually use a system to keep a count based on high cards, low cards, and neutral cards that have been revealed on the table. This is easier said than done and players must follow the action on the table. And because casinos are on the lookout for potential card counters, these players must do all this without getting detected by casino staff.
Card counters also raise their bets when the count is in their favor. This may also bring scrutiny from casino staff. That’s why some counters work in teams. When the count is high, a player at the table may signal another player who then begins playing at the table at higher stakes – hopefully with the high count delivering them a pile of chips.
Players who are found to be counting cards can be asked not to play anymore by casino staff. Some properties may even bar players from the casino entirely, but counting cards in blackjack isn’t against the law. However, those who can master the skill have a real chance at finding some regular winnings.
Betting Strategies and Systems
Through the years, numerous betting strategies and systems have been created with the goal of beating the house. Here are a few of those.
- Martingale System – Is a blackjack term and a strategy when a player doubles his bet if he loses. The hope is that he will win that back and more on successive bets. This can be costly in the long run because in gambling there is no guarantee that you will win one of those bets and could lose considerably in the process if you undergo a long losing streak.
- Anti-martingale System – Also known as the Reverse Martingale system, this strategy involves first determining a goal to win and your bankroll amount. The higher the blackjack bankroll versus lower the goal makes this system more possible. You then bet a certain amount and quit if that is a loss. If you win, then you double that bet.
- Oscar’s Grind – This is a positive progression strategy that is based on the notion that wins and losses come in streaks. Players bet small on perceived losing streaks and then raise their bets as they begin to find wins in the hope of an extended streak.
Variations in Blackjack Games
Blackjack games can vary depending on the casino, part of town (such as the Las Vegas Strip versus downtown Vegas), and differing online casinos. Players will find different types of games and different rules, and some of these can have a real impact on the games and odds. Here’s a look at some of the more common variations of blackjack.
Single deck or multi-deck – number of decks used
This will vary by casino and stakes played. Those looking for better odds by using perfect blackjack strategies will want to look for a single or double-deck game.
Lower-stakes games will generally feature more decks, adding to the house edge in the process. An eight-deck game is the usual setup found in many casinos for these lower-stakes games. It’s still imperative to use a blackjack strategy chart to make sure that you are making the best decisions and reducing the house edge as much as possible.
Learn more: 5 Card Rule in Blackjack Explained
Payouts for a natural 21 (blackjack)
The traditional payout for scoring a black is 3 to 2. For example, if you bet $20, you’ll win $30 when dealt a hand like A-K. However, more casinos have gone to 6 to 5 payouts on blackjack. So a player betting $20 and dealt A-K would only win $24. This bad rule reduces the player’s chances at winning in the long run.
Playing online allows players to find more favorable rules and lower stakes than they might find in a traditional casino. This can work well for players making use of tips for playing blackjack learned here.
Options available
Some of the options available to players can also depend on the casino. Here are a few examples.
- Double down available – Some casinos allow doubling on just a few numbers (such as 9, 10, 11) while others may allow for a wider range of possible hands.
- Surrender available – This is a rule where a player can surrender his hand and only lose half the bet. This is in the player’s favor, but isn’t available at all casinos.
- Double down after splitting available – This also varies by casino. Allowing doubling after splitting works in the player’s favor. Use the blackjack tips learned on this page to know when to double down.
- Dealer stands or hits on soft 17 – This also depends on the casino and having the dealer stand on a soft 17 helps players because he can’t draw to better hands – 18, 19, 20, and 21.
- Live dealer blackjack – This is found in online casinos where players can actually play live blackjack via dealers and tables located in special studios. Players can play just as they would in a live casino, and can also more easily consult a blackjack basic strategy chart to make the correct play.
Choosing the right game with rules that favor players will give you the best chance to win. Make note of the blackjack strategies here to help find the best games and to know how to play your cards correctly.
Always Remember These Quick Blackjack Tips

Ready to hit the tables online or at a live casino? Here are a few quick blackjack tips and tricks for playing blackjack that can help give you a better chance at winning.
Avoid side bets
Some games offer additional side bets that pay out when a player is dealt certain hands. These are generally bad bets with a higher house edge and should be avoided. You are better served using perfect blackjack basic strategy and can save these bets for the normal course of betting.
Set a budget
It’s critical to play within your means and not bet more than you can afford to lose. Set a budget and stick to it. Gambling should be seen as entertainment and betting responsibly is vitally important when gambling.
Only play sober
Casinos offer free drinks for a reason. Players tend to loosen up and at the blackjack table, they possibly bet too much and also deviate from the basic strategy charts in the process of drinking too much. Don’t overdo it so that you have a better chance to win.
Consider cashing out early
It’s always nice to book a win. It can be a great idea to walk away while you’re ahead if you’ve had a good night at the tables. On the flip side, if those cards haven’t been good to you, don’t be afraid to cut your losses and live to fight another day.
Change your bet size
If the cards aren’t falling your way, don’t be afraid to play at lower stakes. This can help make that bankroll last longer. Players having a really good run of cards may want to bump their wagers up a bit to see if that continues with some bigger wins.
Blackjack is easy to learn, and using the strategies outlined here at Lucky Block Casino gives players the best chance to win. Reading a blackjack chart is straightforward, making it simple to decide the right move against the dealer’s upcard.
Try these strategies by playing BTC blackjack at Lucky Block Casino and improve your chances of winning!
It’s important to follow these strategies as getting away from the correct blackjack basic strategy can mean adding to the casino’s edge.
Learn more on blackjack:
- Infinite blackjack strategies
- European blackjack strategies
- Spanish 21 blackjack rules
- When to take insurance in blackjack?
- No bust California blackjack rules
- When to stand or hit in blackjack?
- How to deal cards in blackjack?
- Blackjack tie strategies
- 212 blackjack strategy explained
- Proper blackjack etiquette
- Where to sit in blackjack?
Frequently Asked Questions
What is the best blackjack strategy?
“Basic strategy” is the best plan when hitting the blackjack tables. This is a mathematically proven system that gives players the exact right move to make versus any dealer upcard. Consult the blackjack basic strategy chart on this page to perfect this critical system of decision-making.
Should I stay or hit on 16?
This depends on the dealer’s upcard and whether you hold a hard 16 or soft 16. If you have a hard 16, stand against the dealer’s 2 through 6 and hit against the dealer’s 7 to ace. If you have a soft 16, double down on the dealer’s 2 through 6 and hit against the dealer’s 7 to ace.
Should I double down on 11?
Yes, according to the blackjack basic strategy chart it is always advised to double down with an 11.
How do I learn how to play blackjack?
Lucky Block Casino has numerous guides like this for players to learn how to play. Studying and memorizing blackjack strategy charts can also help you learn the correct moves to make in any situation.
Should I learn how to count cards?
Counting cards can actually move the blackjack casino odds in a player’s favor, but requires considerable practice. There are numerous sources available for those who are interested but expect a big learning curve. It’s important to know that counting may not be useful for playing blackjack online, where cards are constantly shuffled. But using basic strategy is a great idea to give yourself the best chance to win.
What is the best strategy at a blackjack tournament?
The best strategy in a blackjack tournament is to monitor opponents’ chip stacks and adjust your bets accordingly.
What is hit 17 or stand 17?
Players with a hard 17 should stand because there are only a few cards that the player can get to improve the hand without busting, according to blackjack strategy charts. Instead, hope that the dealer ends up busting.
A player with a soft 17 should double down against the dealer’s 2 through 6 and hit against the dealer’s 7 to ace, according to correct basic strategy.